Visceral manipulation releases restrictions in the connective tissues that surround the internal organs of the body. The organs in our body attach onto to many structures, such as the bones of the spine, through connective tissue. Releasing restrictions in this connective tissue link can reduce the strain placed on the bones, muscles and other tissues by the internal organs. This can result in a decrease in pain and an increase in movement in restricted areas. Releasing these restrictions, can also have beneficial effects on the function of the organs, allowing for optimal functioning.
Conditions that may benefit from Visceral Manipulation
Post-Concussion Syndrome
Neck Pain & Stiffness
Mid back Pain & Stiffness
Ribcage Pain
Breathing Difficulties
Joint Pain & Stiffness
Lower Back Pain & Stiffness
Chronic Pelvic Pain
Abdominal Scar Tissue, Post Surgery
Digestion Issues
Bloating & Constipation
This list is not exhaustive. Other conditions also benefit from visceral manipulation.
What to Expect
During the initial assessment, a full medical history will be taken along with a discussion of a patients physical symptoms, concurrent therapies and goals for therapy. A full assessment of the connective tissues surrounding the organs will be evaluated, by using light touch and gentle pressure in the chest, abdominal, and pelvic areas. Through this assessment, any restrictions in the visceral connective tissues will found and evaluated to determine if they could be contributing to a patient's current symptoms and pain.
Following the assessment, a complete review of the assessment findings and a discussion if visceral manipulation is the most effective treatment for a patient's injuries and recovery will occur.
During treatment, gentle stretching and mobilization techniques will be used in the chest, abdominal and pelvic areas to release any connective tissue restrictions surrounding the viscera. The techniques are gentle, yet effective, and tolerated well by most patients.
Visceral Manipulation Treatment

Benefits of Visceral Manipulation
All of the connective tissues in the body are interconnected and form a network of communication. The connective tissues surrounding the organs attach onto various bones and other tissues in the body, linking the visceral system (internal organs) with the musculoskeletal system (muscles & bones).
Restrictions in the visceral connective tissue can arise from a wide variety of causes such as: repetitive chronic injuries, trauma from falls or car accidents, after a surgical procedure and as a result poor posture. When the visceral connective tissue becomes restricted, it pulls on anything that it attaches to, such as the bones in the lower back. This chronic strain can lead to pain, movement compensations, and mobility restrictions in the musculoskeletal system, as well as impact how well an organ functions.
An organ that is in under constant stress and strain due to connective tissues adhesions, cannot perform optimally. Digestive issues such as heartburn, IBS, abdominal bloating and constipation can result.
Visceral mobilization gently releases restrictions in the visceral connective tissues, reducing the strain on the muscles and joints of the body, decreasing pain and inflammation and increasing mobility. The internal organs also benefit from this release, through a decrease in tissue adhesions and strain on the organs, visceral inflammation is reduced and healing and recovery from digestive disorders is optimized.

The Visceral Organs
After Treatment
Everyone will respond differently to visceral manipulation. Following a treatment, it is normal to feel the body shifting and adjusting to the improved mobility in the connective tissue system. Most patients will notice a reduction in pain, increase in mobility and improvement in digestive function following a treatment; however, complex injuries, persistent pain syndromes and chronic digestive issues may require a few treatments before significant improvements are noticed.
If you have further questions or concerns regarding visceral manipulation, or if you are not sure if this is best type of treatment for your health care needs, please contact the clinic.
For more information on visceral manipulation, please visit:
The Barral Institute: Visceral Manipulation.